
I have a great love for food. But, fried chicken and me? That’s a whole other thing. I eat it with joy. If it’s on a menu? I’ll likely order it with conviction, ignoring all other options. It’s a done deal! Southern fried, nuggets, wings? I love fried chicken in all its forms. That being said, not all fried chicken is created equal. But, that debate is for another day…

Fried Chicken Anonymous was my husband, Billy’s idea. I had been looking for a name for my yet-to-be-created blog. And the a-ha moment came about as he was watching me eat re-heated (oven, not microwave! I’m not a savage!), day-old Thomas Keller fried chicken. I was so happy, I was knocking my knees together gleefully. It was clear at that moment that I had a problem. Though I won’t be giving up fried chicken, the name is amusing and stuck.

I love my fried chicken, but, I am passionate about other foods as well. I’ll be writing about cooking, eating (where to), cooking gear, cook books and the occasional fried chicken. And maybe I’ll write about something else now and then if inspiration strikes.

Note that I’ll be writing about books and gear that I use and love. I don’t get paid to do so. Just my own personal recommendation based on experience.

Feel free to contact me if you should have any questions or comments.

F. C. Anonymous

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